Many Michigan residents don’t know the appropriate answer to the question, Does the landlord have the right to enter the property? Usually, landlords can access their properties for necessary maintenance, repair...
Section 8 has become a popular choice for landlords since it provides a reliable income source. Unfortunately, many landlords are still ignorant about this. So, how Does Section 8 Work For Landlords? Well, it can̵...
Living in the Detroit metropolitan area may seem challenging for many with the rising cost of utility bills. However, saving energy is the best way to reduce those expenses and make your home comfortable. You ev...
Hiring a company for property handling can make your life easier. They take care of everything from finding residents to handling maintenance. However, selecting the ideal one is challenging in the Detroit metropolita...
Managing a rental property can be challenging, especially when dealing with rent, repairs, and renters alone. In this case, the property manager’s name comes first in mind. However, many owners ask, is hiring a ...
There are five basic human needs, including a safe living place. Unfortunately, many people can’t afford decent accommodation. Therefore, the US government has designed a visionary program called Section 8 housi...
Finding renters for your property can seem easy, but it takes a lot of effort. It often comes with various challenges and some of these are beyond control. Understanding these challenges can help you make better decis...
A landlord can‘t legally put a camera in the kitchen, as it would violate the renter’s privacy. However, they can put cameras in the common areas to ensure the safety of the kitchen. In Michigan, pri...
Property management can be challenging in locations with high rental property demand, like the Detroit metropolitan area. However, hiring a local expert and handing over all your tasks can make it easier. Many propert...
Keeping rental properties in good condition takes a lot of time. It is not easy to own and maintain multiple rental properties in the Detroit-Metropolitan area. That is when the necessity for rental property managemen...